An exercise in encaustic art, where I embedded wire, (I have an ongoing love affair with all things rusty), real butterflies (dead of course) and then poured wax on to self level and achieve a beautiful smooth finish. This is a pair, each piece framed in wood, 30x30cm each, for sale pair

This encaustic piece, done on Nature Board, was done simply to prove that it could be, coloured wax brushed and dribbled on to an inflexible surface, with a smattering of tar for emphasis. Sold

A small encaustic piece. part of a pair, Sold

Encaustic piece, part of a pair, Sold

An encaustic piece, showing visions of my wyan dotte hen and her chickens and using barnyard materials in wax, 26x26cm SOLD

A favourite piece, Sold

Another favourite piece of encaustic work, Sold

One of a pair of fanciful encaustic pieces, quite small and done in a box frame with a glass front, price

Encaustic work done in rich and fanciful colours of wax and other mediums, as part of a pair, 28x36cm, price for sale pair